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I just stumbled across the following article in the Seattle Times regarding traveling with children to exotic locales. Namely, BORNEO. Here is the link:

Borneo hosts the world’s largest population of wild orangutans, which just so happen to be my favorite animal. These red giant cousins of ours are absolutely amazing creatures. Borneo is the location of Birute Galdikas’s organgutan rehabilitation camp, Camp Leaky, which has been on my Must See Before I Die list since I took an anthropology class when I was 17.

I love the article because it shows that adventurous traveling with children is possible, specifically to “third world countries” such as Indonesia and Malaysia. Upon having had a child, I have felt that many opportunities such as this have escaped me, at least until I my kid(s) are grown. It was interesting to read how they managed with children in such a rustic location. Meadow is so easy-going, I am sure she could travel well under any circumstances. Especially if she was able to see such magnificent creatures like orangs, et al.

Well, the inspiration is still there, and heightened. However, the cost of airfare is shall we say…prohibitive. Especially times three. It is not cheap to fly into Jakarta. So maybe we will be having to wait another 16 odd years to take the plunge of this trip. Or load up a credit card.

Anyway, that’s my plan and this was a neat article. I’ll just have to relegate my orangutan experiences to the Woodland Park Zoo, for now.

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